
Vegetais / Vegetables
These are a breeder’s doubts about our diet, that can also be yours:

Q: Is this diet given twice a day?
A: Yes, it is preferable, but can ge given once a day.

Q: How often do you vary the vegetables?
A: The best is to offer a different vegetable each day. Here I don’t vary that much as we feed 20 pugs.

Q: Is there any vegetable that is forbidden?
A: Onion is forbiden. Spinash cannot be offered more than twice a week. Do not offer the burgeon of any vegetable. You can read more at This website is very nice, but written in Portuguese. May be you can translate into English.

Q: Do you offer meat bones?
A: As we feed 20 pugs, it is impossible to offer a meat bone for each one every day. We substitute them for the grinded chicken neck mixed with the hole food. But meat bones are very good for fun and to clean the teeth.